Vape Machine E-cigarette Buyers Guide
E-cigarette Buyers Guide
What’s in a name?
E-cigarettes have many names, and we’ll use these interchangeably. E-cig, E-cigarette, Vape, Vape Device, Vape Machine, Vaporizer, Personal Vaporizer.
Not sure where to begin?
It’s ok if you are unsure of which e-cigarette to purchase. There can be a lot of confusion in regards to all of the products available and their varying configurations and size. If you are completely uninitiated, and are looking for your very first vaping device, we recommend a simple starter kit (ego ce4). With low cost, and simple features, it’s the easiest, simplest and most affordable way to get into vaping. We’ve found that once you have your new e-cigarette in your hand, the rest will come naturally. It’s as simple as charge, fill, & vape. If you decide to upgrade your equipment in the future, it will still serve as a reliable backup vape! Of course, if you still have questions, simply send us an email, and we’ll help you with any questions you may have.
If you are a completely new, uninitiated, potential vaper, we recommend sticking with a simple starter kit to get your feet wet, keep your costs down, and give you the opportunity to see if vaping is for you – and more importantly: to actually get it in your hand; physically setting it up for the first time and using your new vape machine will show you how simple it can be. It’s a lot less intimidating than it may appear, and the confusion you may be experiencing will disappear instantly once you are actually holding it.
Already a vaper?
If you are already vaping, we recommend having an extra kit around in case you lose your primary vape, the battery dies, you run out of liquid, or any other number of things that could happen. The general rule of thumb is “Two is one, and one is none.”. Always have a backup. Likewise, if you already vape, you’ve likely experienced someone, a friend, a co-worker, a relative, or even a complete stranger ask to try it. Having an extra kit around (particularly one with a changeable drip tip), can keep your vape in your hand, while opening someone else up to vaping, and you might turn them on to something new to help them replace smoking with vaping.
If you are looking for an upgrade to replace your tank, clearomizer or battery, we carry a variety of upgrades, many that will work with your initial starter kit. If you are unsure of any product combination, please email us. Protank/Aerotanks and iClear16s are excellent upgrades when you are ready to move beyond a basic ce4 clearomizer, and twist batteries are an excellent upgrade to a standard ego battery. Kanger EVODs and MVP2‘s are an excellent “everything included” upgrade.
Looking for something to separate your vape machine from the rest?
We carry a variety of cases to hold your equipment, drip tips to personalize and customize your tanks, charms, lanyards and colored batteries and tanks. View our accessories here.
Interested in Mods & APVs (Advanced Personal Vaporizers)?
Mods and APVs are typically for more experienced users, who are looking to upgrade from a standard eGo style Ecig. We carry a variety of low cost mods and APVs, from mechanical to variable voltage and variable wattage devices. Many of these devices come with both a 510 and an ego connection to handle many of the clearomizers and tanks we carry. If you are a new vaper, and are unfamiliar with these terms, we recommend purchasing a starter kit until you become more comfortable with vaping devices. If you are unsure of any particular combination of devices will work together, please send us an email and we’ll point you in the right direction.
Still have questions?
As we said earlier, it’s ok to have questions or to be confused. Simply send us an email and we’ll point you in the right direction. There is more information available in our FAQs as well.
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