CASAA Survey

Are you currently a vaper?


“CASAA is collecting information from its members and others about electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) users on their e-cigarette use. We will use this information to help us answer questions on e-cigarette use during the FDA meeting on August 26th, 2013, as well as for other purposes (so if you are seeing this after that date, please go ahead and respond).   We will only release the results of this survey in aggregate form. This means that we will not release personal identifiers or individual responses. We might identify categories of respondents, but only those that are large enough that they do not allow identification of any individual responses (for instance, we might release information on what flavors women prefer, but not any information that might identify which women).   Participating in this survey poses no apparent harm or risk. However, if you are uncomfortable participating or answering for any reason, please exit the survey.   By participating, you grant CASAA permission to report your results in the aggregate form described above.”

CASAA Survey: Click here to take the survey.